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Self Similarity: the Nature of the Universe?

One thing that has always confused me since I was a bachelor: What is a power law?

According to Wikipedia: “In statistics, a power law is a functional relationship between two quantities (y, x), where a relative change in one quantity results in a proportional relative change in the other quantity, independent of the initial size of those quantities: one quantity varies as a power of another.” That is,

y = c xk,

where c is a constant and k is the power-law index. Well apparently, it seems that a power law is just a mathematical definition! However, you might feel surprised when I tell you that more than a hundred power-law relationships have been identified in multiple fields including physics, astronomy, biology, social science, and so on. In astronomy, in particular, numerous important relationships can be described by a power law.

When a population of stars forms, for example in a large molecular cloud, the distribution of their masses follows a power law. The square of the period (P) of a planet rotating its host star is proportional to the cube of its orbital radius (a), P2 ∝ a3. The distribution of the energy of the non-thermal particles accelerated by supernova shocks can be described by a power law. The spectrum of synchrotron radiation emitted by non-thermal particles is also a power law. When a supermassive black hole is devouring a Sun-like star, the gravitational potential between them will finally be converted into strong radiation resulting in a flare peaking at optical/UV bands. The flux of the flare declines at a rate consistent with t -5/3, where t is the time after the peak of the flare.

A fractal in  Mandelbrot set: Credits: Wikipedia

But why are there way many relationships in astronomy power laws? Sad news, I do not have an answer! To understand this question a bit, maybe it is a good idea to think about another mathematical concept: the fractal. “In mathematics, the fractal is a term used to describe geometric shapes containing detailed structure at arbitrarily small scales …” as described in Wikipedia. For simplicity, A fractal appears self-similar at various scales, i.e., it has the same shape of a part of itself. Real fractals do not exist but lots of objects in nature, such as leaves, coastlines, seashells, snowflakes, lighting, and so on, look self-similar at many but limited scales. One reason could be that fractals have low Kolmogorov complexity and nature favors an easier way to represent itself!

A self-similar leaf: Credits: Wikipedia

Power laws are different from fractals in definition, however, they also show some self-similarity, i.e. the shape of a power law looks the same as any part of it. This means the physical mechanisms behind these power laws try to be self-consistent at different scales. As mentioned above, objects which are self-similar in nature have low Kolmogorov complexity. If this works for power laws, it means that the physical mechanisms behind power laws have some low complexity, that is why power-law relationships are so common in astronomy. Is it true? Does this also mean our Universe is trying to decrease its complexity via power laws? I have no idea. And what is your point?

Hui Liu

Well, I am a very friendly person. Wish we can be good friends soon. 🙂

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