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The bottom of the next ladder…

Hi all, my name is Riley Connors, and I arrived in Amsterdam in September to begin my PhD under the supervision of Sera. I’m at the stage now where I’ve encountered most of the teething problems you would associate with moving country, and I’m pretty well settled into life here, both in a work and social context. Amsterdam is a great place to live (surprise, surprise). The title of this post reflects a situation I think everyone finds themselves in at certain stages in their lives, whereby you finish something (in my case, my degree), and then begin something else, and you’re back to square one. You get a similar feeling when you start high school, go to university, or begin a new job.

So I will be working on black holes – more specifically, the black hole at the centre (yes, I’m English, this is how I will spell it) of the Galaxy, Sagittarius A*, and it’s relation to stellar mass black holes (all in low-luminosity states) and other AGN. I’ll do this by fitting a semi-analytical model to the broadband data collected on these objects, and trying to constrain certain model parameters. I hope to find something interesting, so future posts to come!….

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