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Drumroll please….

And now finally the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The Event Horizon Telescope Consortium made the big announcement at midnight last night that there will be press events around the world, on 10 April, at 13:00UT (which for normal people means 9:00am US East coast time, or 15:00 Central European time), where we will announce a “groundbreaking result”!

I am honored (and, quite frankly, terrified) to be one of the four panelists speaking at the US event, hosted by the National Science Foundation at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.., representing the European and Multi-wavelength facility partners. Basically, after the NSF director Dr. France Cordova speaks, each of us will give a very short blurb of about 5 minutes long, followed by a Q&A with reporters to be webcast live here. Then there will be more extensive interviews between the press and many other members of the EHT consortium that we are representing, who will be present in the room, followed by us repeating the presentations at the White House as a Congressional briefing (!) and finally, a well deserved cocktail at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, if I’m not passing out from jet lag at that point. Wish me luck!!

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