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Black hole accretion and quasi-periodic oscillations

Quasi-periodic oscillations appear to be a common characteristic of accreting systems and have been observed in black hole and neutron star X-ray binaries, alongside active galactic nuclei and even ultraluminous X-ray sources. The focus of this blog post is quasi-periodic oscillations in black hole X-ray binaries. Black hole X-ray binaries are comprised of a stellar mass black hole feeding on a nearby star. Material siphoned off the star by the black hole swirls around the black hole, forming an accretion disk that shines brightly at X-ray frequencies (see Figure 1). Not all of the material in the disk is consumed by the black hole- hydro-magnetic processes in the inner regions of the disk can also launch material away in the form of powerful, highly focused outflows called relativistic jets.

Figure 1. Animation showing an artist impression of a black hole X-ray binary (BHXRB). A stellar mass black hole siphons material from a nearby star (shown on the left). This material spirals around the black hole forming an accretion disk. Powerful hydro-magnetic processes in the inner regions of the disk can launch relativistic jets (shown in purple). Animation Credit: Gabriel Perez Diaz; IAC.

Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) take the form of narrow peaks in the X-ray power density spectra of accreting systems, as shown in Figure 2 below. They are thought to be caused by processes occuring in the disk and/or base of the jet (see Figure 1). QPOs associated with black hole X-ray binaries can be categorised into two groups based on their frequency: Low frequency QPOs (LFQPOs) if their frequency is between 0.1 and 30 Hz and high frequency QPOs (HFQPOs) if they have a frequency above 30 Hz.

Figure 2. Power density spectrum showing quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the black hole X-ray binary XTE J1550-564. Credit: Motta et al. 2018.

Black hole X-ray binaries (BHXRBs) cycle through different accretion states, each of which is characterised by different spectral and outflow properties. Unlike the supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei, which transition through these states on timescales exceeding millions of years, BHXRBs transition between the different accretion states on timescales of months to years. Most of the time BHXRBs live in a dim, quiescent state. However, occasionally they transition into a state that is millions of times more luminous and launch powerful relativistic jets. The physics behind this luminous state alongside the transition to it are not well understood. 

State transitions in BHXRBs are thought to be correlated with significant changes in the geometry of the accretion disk. Since BHXRBs transition between different accretion states on observable timescales, observations of QPOs can provide invaluable insight into the nature of the accretion flow.

LFQPOs can help us to distinguish between the different black hole accretion states as their properties (strength, width of the peak and frequency) are found to be tightly correlated with accretion state. Whilst there have been numerous observations of LFQPOs in black hole X-ray binaries, detections of HFQPOs are comparatively rare. The high sensitivity of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), launched in 1995, made it possible to detect HFQPOs. HFQPOs are of particular interest as they thought to be produced in the innermost region of the accretion disk. They therefore carry important information about the nature of the accretion disk, e.g. its geometry, very close to the black hole. What causes QPOs is still unknown, though numerous models have been proposed to explain the production of low and high frequency QPOs (e.g. Fragile et al. 2001, Nixon et al. 2012, Stella & Vietri 1998Motta et al. 2014, Kato 2005 and references therein). These models typically associate the production of QPOs with geometric effects in the disk such as disk precession, tearing (see Figure 3), warping and oscillations or with orbital motions in the disk such as those attributed to disk inhomogeneities propagating close to the inner edge of the disk.

Figure 3. Movie of a general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulation showing how an accretion disk can tear apart. The disk is initially tilted by 65 degrees with respect to the spin axis of the rapidly spinning black hole. The immense gravitational potential of the black hole causes space-time to be dragged around the accretion disk (shown in blue/green), which causes the disk to tear apart into two disks- an inner and outer disk. A relativistic jet (shown in orange) is launched from the inner regions of the accretion flow close to the black hole. The jet becomes highly disrupted as the inner and outer disks precess. Movie credit: Matthew Liska.

These models offer a way of inferring important properties of the accretion disk directly from the observations of HFQPOs, such as the spin and mass of the black hole alongside the dynamics of the innermost accretion flow. As they originate close to the black hole, HFQPOs also enable us to test general relativity in the strong field limit.

But which of these models is correct? In order to extract information about the accretion disk and black hole from HFQPOs we need to know which model(s) accurately describe their production. Modelling accretion flows around black holes using general relativistic magneto hydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations (e.g. Figure 3) is playing a critical role in enabling us to uncover the mechanisms behind the production of both low and high frequency QPOs.  

Gibwa Musoke

Works on general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of black hole accretion. Using the GPU-accelerated GRMHD code H-AMR, she investigates the physical processes behind relativistic jet launching, alongside the highly variable X-ray emission observed in black hole X-ray binaries. She also works on hydrodynamic simulations of jets in active galactic nuclei (AGN) using the FLASH magneto-hydrodynamics code. She investigates the large-scale interactions between AGN jets and their environments, focusing on the jet dynamics and energetics in order to understand how effectively AGN jets transfer energy to their surroundings.

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